Sunday, January 30, 2011

Kids these days... Tomorrows Geniuses?... I think not.

Okay... So I have come to the reality that kids these days are just idiots; working with the public, this becomes more and more apparent every damn day! I know, I know... So I have made some decisions in my life that I am not proud of but seriously, I turned out okay. I can do the simple things in life, such as math. I love kids that come into my job and want to split something that comes to $14.00 and ask me how much each of them would have to pay and other silly questions... but wait; that's just it. To these kids, what they ask are not silly little questions. Oh No! My friend, these kids are being completely serious. Coming from the town of "Brentwood" which is not known for it's academics, I am pretty fucking intelligent I must say. Not only with the simple things, but with things in life that are more complex.

I sit here and I wonder to myself if this is really the future of America and I happily sit back sometimes and say "Thank god I can not reproduce while having man sex" because I really sometimes do not know if I can deal. These kids have absolutely no discipline. I know I am very laid back but my kids are gonna be well behaved IF I ever decide to hire some surrogate to get fat and carry my turkey baster and test tube concoction. Take for instance if I ever had a girl. God forbid. Do you see how these girls leave the house these days? It's like they got dressed in the dark. I will tell you one thing... If my daughter EVER left the house dressed like she was going to turn a few tricks, you'd better believe she is going to get a swift ass kicking and a lecture with Aunt Toniann on how to insert her Nuva-Ring and how important it is to NEVER miss a day... not even the sugar pills!

I do not want to get too off topic here. I just wanted to get a few of my frustrations out. It seriously is troubling to me. It's going to be a scary place out there. Thankfully besides the whole being gay thing, I turned out okay (So I think). Those of you with kids, take it seriously... raise them right. Don't fuck this world up any more than it already is!

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